Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why Does Compliance Matter?

I'd like to share a post by Admin.  As a Brand Partner, it is my duty and responsibility to make sure that my team adhere to the rules and regulations mandated by Nerium International.  Please read on:

Why Does Compliance Matter?
Posted on July 30, 2012 by Admin

When you joined Nerium International – whether as a Brand Partner or as a Preferred Customer – you agreed to abide by our Policies and Procedures. These are in place to ensure that Nerium International is in line with regulations that we, as a company, have to abide by and comply with, due to federal regulations and mandates. As a part of Nerium International, we rely on you to help us maintain the integrity of the brand. So much of that depends upon everyone’s willingness to be in compliance with our rules and regulations. We’ve tried to make our compliance process as transparent as possible. In your Online Business Center, you’ll find our Policies and Procedures, Social Media Policies, Marketing Guidelines, and more. 

We update our blog with these materials, and we cross-post our blog to various social media platforms.  We firmly believe that well-educated Brand Partners are our best ambassadors.  When common questions arise, we strive to address them in a timely and factual manner. Our Compliance department receives many reports every day of various activities that are against our Policies and Procedures. A majority of these are innocent mistakes. Perhaps someone named a Facebook page without identifying himself or herself as an Independent Brand Partner in the title, for example, Nerium Montana. Others relate to more serious matters, including but not limited to: making medical claims, selling NeriumAD online outside the approved method (which is the shopping cart on your replicated marketing site), selling self-produced goods and apparel that are Nerium branded but not approved, and unethical recruiting practices. By bringing violations such as these to our attention so that we may address them, you help in bolstering the Nerium International brand. But why does all this matter? Why, if someone identifies him or herself as an Independent Brand Partner, does Nerium International care what’s being said? 

You not only represent your business, but Nerium International as well. When inaccurate information is disseminated (i.e. medical claims, businesses open in other countries, etc.), it hinders the Company, which in turn, affects your business. The market we are in does not require FDA approval; however, claims like the cure of medical conditions gives both current and future prospects the notion that we are, in fact, a medical grade product. These false claims end up drawing negative attention from various regulatory agencies and harboring our efforts to expand in the manner that we have planned. We – and you – have created a strong, powerful brand. Nerium is recognized by more and more people each day. Every positive action helps to further bolster that. Every negative action chips away at that. Sadly, the negative actions do more harm than positive actions do good. 

When a Brand Partner chooses to act in a manner contrary to our Policies and Procedures, he or she is not only hurting his or her business, but those actions reduce the effectiveness and credibility of the company as a whole. At the Get Real 2012 Conference in San Diego, Mark Smith spoke about the rhythm of Nerium: if we’re all marching to the same beat, we’re doing the right thing and going the right way. Furthermore, when that beat is unified, the beat is strong and unmistakable. The same can be applied to issues of compliance. If we all have the same message, we’re much stronger than various factions each coming up with their own message. Please know that our goal is, ultimately, your success. By following our Policies and Procedures, you’re aligning yourself with a system that is in place to get you to the top! We know that this is an ongoing process with many opportunities for education and development. We’re thankful for your support. 

If you have questions about compliance, please consult the Policies and Procedures document located in your Online Business Center. If you have questions about the Nerium brand, please consult the Brand Guidelines manual located in your Online Business Center. Finally, the Nerium Ripple is all about individually taking responsibility and collectively changing the world. This is a situation that empowers each of us to do just that: individually take responsibility, lead by example, and contribute to a collective change. We hope that you’ll be an important part of the Ripple in action as we work together to build upon all the positive momentum we’ve generated over the past 11 months.  

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